If you’re a commercial or business owner, you know your building requires a different type of electrical help than residential electrical services. OT Electric is here to help. We can handle the complexities of the larger electrical systems commercial or business properties may have. Our staff are highly trained and experienced with these types of electrical issues.
OT Electric of South West Florida has been providing homeowners and businesses alike with expert electrical services for over 20 years. We’ve built a company of highly experienced, certified electricians to serve your electrical needs.
What is the difference between commercial electrical services and residential services?
No matter how urgent any electrical repairs seem, it’s never okay to attempt to handle them on your own. Trying to take care of electrical problems without professional training is extremely dangerous. If you or someone else isn’t hurt during your attempt, there’s still a chance that you’ve left something undone that poses a huge risk to you, your home, or your family. In fact, faulty electrical wiring is the number one cause of house fires in the United States, according to the National Fire Protection Agency. So in order to make sure that your home is safe, always rely on a professional for any electrical services.
Circuit breakers that keep tripping, a flickering light on the back porch, or an exhaust fan that just won’t work properly—all of these are common problems homeowners face that have something to do with their electrical systems. But figuring out where the problem is stemming from can take a lot of work. Our OT Electric technicians will find out exactly what’s causing the problem, and what other problem may be happening—or beginning to happen—for the same reasons. Then we’ll nip them in the bud.